Nancy Wilson的《Alfie》 歌词
歌手:Nancy Wilson
专辑:The Ultimate Nancy Wilson
Lily Allen
Ooooo deary me,My little brother's in his bedroom smoking weed,I tell him he should get up cos it's nearly quarter past threeHe can't be bothered cos he's high on THC.I ask him very nicely if he'd like a cup of tea,I can't even see you cos the room is so smokey,Don't understand how one can watch so much TV,My baby brother Alfie how I wish that you could see.Oooooo I only say it cos I care,So please can you stop pulling my hair.Now, now there's no need to swear,Please don't despair my dear Mon frere.Ooooo Alfie get up it's a brand new day,I just can sit back and watch your life waste awayYou need to get a job because the bills need to get paid.Get off your lazy arse,Alfie please use your brainSurely there's some walls out there that you can go spray,I'm feeling guilty for leading you astray,Now how the hell do you ever expect that you'll get laid,When all you do is stay and play on your computer games?Oooooo I only say it cos I care,So please can you stop pulling my hair.Now, now there's no need to swear,Please don't despair my dear Mon frere.Oh little brother please refrain from doing that,I'm trying to help you out so can you stop being a twat.It's time that you and I sat down and had a little chat,Just look me in the eyes take off that stupid thick hat.Oooooo I only say it cos I care,So please can you stop pulling my hair.Now, now there's no need to swear,Please don't despairPlease don't despairPlease don't despairMon frereD. M .Nming na!!!
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Nancy Wilson的《Alfie》这首歌是关于什么的?
哎呀,Nancy Wilson的《Alfie》这首歌啊,主要是讲一个叫Alfie的家伙,他生活得挺随性的,但歌里提醒他,生活不能只顾自己,还得有点责任感,歌词里那句“nomoreroominhell”特别点题,意思是说,如果你一直这么自私,最后可能连地狱都没你位置了,这首歌是劝人要善良、有担当。
Nancy Wilson是怎么演绎《Alfie》这首歌的?
Nancy Wilson唱《Alfie》的时候,那感情真是杠杠的!她的声音特别有感染力,把那种对Alfie的关心和警告都唱出来了,尤其是那句“nomoreroominhell”,她唱得特别有力度,听得人心头一震,她的演绎让这首歌更加深入人心。
嘿,你别说,《Alfie》这首歌在当时可是挺火的!很多人都被Nancy Wilson的歌声和她传达的深刻寓意打动了,那句“nomoreroominhell”也成了经典台词,很多人拿来做警示语,这首歌在当时引起了不小的轰动,到现在也有人喜欢听呢。
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本文概览:Nancy Wilson的《Alfie》 歌词歌曲名:Alfie歌手:Nancy Wilson专辑:The Ultimate Nancy WilsonLily AllenAlf...